
A blog designed by a true fashion enthusiast, as homage to all of the writers, designers, photographers, destinations, and beautiful people that constantly inspire my creativity. Get lost with me in the expirience of high fashion, beauty, with small touches of food, music, and art, using each aspect to infiltrate into your own fabulous life, xo Diandra

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Why hello my favorite fashion friends!! It's been a little while since my last post, but between styling shows, music videos, school projects, and trying to sneak in what resembles a social life, my poor little blog has been neglected. But not to fret, today I bring you another fabulous dose of fashion. As I mentioned before I've been extremely busy working with a client whose music career is on the brink of greatness, and I've had the honor of making sure that her journey has been perfectly styled in looks worthy of a pop princess. The past week has consisted of early mornings and late nights of formulating perfect outfits from head to toe... and somewhere in between vintage high waisted denim jean shorts and neon crop tops I've been inspired. I've come to realize more than ever what accessories can do for an outfit. Naturally, any fashionista would tell you the perfect accessories MAKE and outfit, but that has never proven to be more true than now. Mixing colors, textures, sizes, and styles have contributed to my creation of some of the most fun and trendy ensembles, making them instant crowd pleasers. My lesson of the day is have fun with the accessories that you incorporate into your outfits, and don't be afraid to mix things that normally wouldn't go together, chances are you end up with a fun look and a sure way to impress fashion forward friends. With that being said I leave you with a video on how to achieve a bold layered look mixing jewelry. Even if layering isn't your style, use it to to think of fun ways to mix up the treasures in your jewelry box and closet. Most importantly remember to have FUN!! This video is from the LEAF series on youtube, styled by celebrity stylists Monica Rose. Enjoy xoxo DB

1 comment:

  1. I love accessories but I always have the issue about how much is too much, what colors you should use to ensure that you don't have too much of one color. Love the video. Congrats I'm the blog...definitely going to be reading it ritually. Love ya gorgeous - Brandi Brooks
