
A blog designed by a true fashion enthusiast, as homage to all of the writers, designers, photographers, destinations, and beautiful people that constantly inspire my creativity. Get lost with me in the expirience of high fashion, beauty, with small touches of food, music, and art, using each aspect to infiltrate into your own fabulous life, xo Diandra

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Happy Cinco de Mayo my friends! In honor of Mexican heritage I leave you the image of the legendary Ms. Frida Kahlo. As a half Latina woman myself, Frida has always been and will eternally be one of my greatest fashion and beauty icons. She pushed the boundaries of what it means to be beautiful, and paved the way for Latin women and all women for that matter, to define their own beauty and fashion philosophy, something I find extremely endearing and inspirational. So on this historical holiday I celebrate Frida, the Latino culture, and embracing what it means to be beautiful by crating our own standards!!! xoxo DB

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